Friday, February 9, 2024

Tree rescued from concrete on Houston

Photos by Salim

A quick follow-up to a post from a few weeks back, when we noted the new sidewalk bridge along 280 E. Houston St. between Avenue A and Avenue B, the site of an incoming 12-floor mixed-use building. 

In creating this, the workers entombed a tree near Avenue B in concrete. 

However, as these photos (thanks, Salim!) show, the construction crew drilled out the concrete that filled the tree well... allowing it to take in water now...
As for the new development, it will contain 224,809 square feet of space — for residential, commercial and community use. The residential portion will total 211,028 square feet for 157 apartments, per DOB records. The retail section will feature 12,000 square feet, while the community facility is 1,300 square feet.


  1. Well this is a little ray of sunshine. Thank you!

  2. I've seen them do this before to other trees, and they say the concrete is put there temporarily to protect tree roots from heavy construction equipment.

  3. Yet restaurants getting away with whatever they want since pandemic, paving over trees etc.

  4. Good. I filed a complaint.

  5. I keep forgetting for a 311 complaint, to note the address on 1st ave, maybe 13th st, east side where they’ve put bricks loaded with cement, in all around the tree.


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