Sunday, May 26, 2024

At yesterday's hardcore matinee in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Stacie Joy 

Tompkins Square Park played host to the "Back to the NYHC Roots" music series yesterday afternoon. 

The slate of bands, presented by The Shadow and New York Hardcore Chronicles, included Winter Wolf ...
... Kārtël ...
... and Non Residents...
...and scenes from the crowd...
... and there was a photogenic finale...
The afternoon also included sets from Redwoods and Incendiary Device.


  1. Photos are very nice but the thing this was not a nice event. Very good PA system and sound engineer and the musicians brought their best stuff but the real star of the day was the almost manic out of control aggression of the audience. They rocked the shit out of that mother loving park. Pretty much a non stop mosh pit circle dance. NYC Hardcore. Freaks and skins and young punks slamming away in the afternoon sun. Highlight was the the audience improvised use of a fiberglass chair to ride, assault, and then finally get smashed and stomped to pieces as the band shredded away. Hilarious you really had to be there......

  2. XTC: Sorry you were on a bummer that day. Everyone ELSE had a BLAST.

  3. Chris- Sorry you didn't get the gist of my post. I had a great time. Totally enjoyed it. My point was about the over the top energy from the mosh pit. To me that was the SHOW. Not sure what you don't understand when I used the word HILARIOUS to describe the chair smashing. It was a totally fun event ( think Theatre of the ABSURD) and I would certainly recommend more people to come out and see the next show. Quite frankly I'd rather see real shit like this in the park than see the Stones for free in a football stadium.


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