Saturday, May 25, 2024

Check out the hand-painted punk posters of Masato Okano

This afternoon, the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) unveils a hand-painted punk poster exhibition, a collection featuring the unique work of illustrator-musician Masato Okano

The show, "Art Speaks More Than Words," will feature his large canvas banners, including the free matinees by NYHC Chronicles at Niagara and Bowery Electric. 

The opening is today from 3 to 9 p.m. Okano will paint live at 6 (accompanied by saxophonist Johnny Butler) following the hardcore show scheduled in Tompkins Square Park. (See flyer below.)

Viewing hours: today, 3-9 p.m.; tomorrow, 1-5 p.m. June 1/8: 1-5 p.m.; June 2/9, 1-9 p.m. 

MoRUS is at 155 Avenue C between Ninth Street and 10th Street. 

And here's info about today's show in Tompkins...


  1. File "Incendiary Device" under "Greatest Band Names Evar!" (It's probably hard for them to travel, though.)

  2. Isn't there one called "Spiritual Gangsters"?


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