Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks returning to the Hudson River for some reason

2013 photo of the fireworks on the West Side as seen from the East Village 

For the first time since 2013, you'll have to awkwardly rekindle that friendship this summer with those people you really don't like who live on the west side and have a rooftop view of the Hudson River. 

Per our friends at West Side Rag
Macy's, along with officials from the city and New Jersey, announced Tuesday the fireworks display would be taking place over the Hudson in 2024, with "thousands of shells and an array of effects from barges position along the Hudson River with multiple viewing opportunities in Manhattan between West 14th and West 34th Streets and in New Jersey."

While the fireworks won’t be ignited on the Upper West Side, it means that any spot along the Hudson River within Riverside South and Riverside Park, or a properly positioned neighborhood roof you might be able to get on, will provide locals with a great view of the display. 
The July 4th fireworks show typically takes place over the East River, the correct river for this, but in 2009, the display shifted to the Hudson River for a special celebration of the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's exploration of the region, and it stayed there for four long years. (It also seemed like overkill: Henry Hudson already has a parkway and a double-deck steel arch toll bridge named after him. Fireworks too, now?)

Anyway, here's a view of the fireworks in 2011 from the East Village looking to the west ...


  1. Firstly, yay! I don't like the masses crowding the east side.
    Secondly, I'm betting on the City looking to sweeten the relationship with our neighbors to the west, who are very pissed about congestion pricing.

  2. I hate when they switch the fireworks from the East River to the Hudson River, they only do that to please the real estate owners and developers who have built really expensive apartment buildings on the west side.

  3. I wanna know how much Hudson Yards paid to make this happen.

  4. I think it was originally always on the Hudson. I remember going over to Riverside Park in the 1970s.

  5. Not sure, Hudson Yards residents are out of town on 4th of July, and the businesses there won't gain much extra revenue for the crowds who would go to watch the fireworks.


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