Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Noted (sidewalk bridge edition)

Photo by Stacie Joy 

As previously reported, G's Cheesesteaks is the new tenant for 6 Avenue B at Houston Street — the first in 15 years. 

The gut renovations of the long-vacant residential portion are also complete. The building — now going as The B (!) — is currently leasing.

G's owner, Giacomo Pisano, apparently tried to get the sidewalk bridge hauled away. Good luck! 

So there's now a G' s-branded sign on the bridge with the message, "We tried to get this scaffolding removed ... But this is NYC."

Pisano, whose family has been in the restaurant business for several generations, founded G's in Staten Island in 2015 at age 20. 

The opening date for the EV outpost is expected soon.

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