Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A new era for teen spirit at the Tompkins Square Library branch

The Tompkins Square Library branch recently (May 31!) celebrated the grand opening of a new-era Teen Center. 

A rep told us that this is part of the NYPL's larger initiative to meet the needs of this demographic.

"This library's newly expanded Teen Center is a space for teens to hone new tech skills and get creative," the rep said. "The center also comes equipped with video and photography tech, digital media tools, like a 3D printer, and other crafts."

Find more info here

The branch is at 331 E. 10th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B. 

Hours: Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Photo courtesy of the NYPL


  1. That's great news but I hope that the library is able to expand the book selection on the main floor. It would also be great if book and DVD donations would be accepted again. This is such a an important establishment to have in the neighborhood!

  2. I was using that library since 1960. seriously! I went in recently after a couple of years not visiting. I was shocked. It was like I entered a Barnes & Noble store. The harsh lighting, book shelving missing. I remember the big oak tables, the card catalog cabinets. I don’t know-what’s happened?


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