Thursday, June 20, 2024

Early voting ends Sunday ahead of Primary Election Day on June 25

Registered voters can cast their ballots as early voting continues through Sunday, June 23. Primary Election Day is next Tuesday, when polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. 

The primaries include state-level seats as well as Congressional contests. 

Races here are Representative in Congress 10th Congressional District (Democratic primary) and Judge of the Civil Court — 2nd Municipal Court District (Alice Tam Tien and Harold Bahr). 

Here's a sample ballot...
Several statewide candidates are unopposed in the primary and will not appear on the ballot, including Kirsten Gillibrand for reelection to the U.S. Senate, Brian Kavanagh for reelection to the New York State Senate, and Deborah Glick for reelection to the New York State Assembly. 

You can find your poll site here. Vote.NYC has more info here.


  1. Vote early, vote often, for a dog of course, who will be running on the Woof Woof party.

  2. Shame that no one challenged Gillibrand.

  3. Is it just me or does voting at this point seem futile? We are utterly powerless. Our state and national governments are a joke. There is blatant corruption throughout all three chambers. Does my single vote really make a difference? Am I jaded or misguided?

  4. 2ndAveSilverPantherJune 20, 2024 at 7:22 PM

    @4:21 PM - With all due respect, yes, you are misguided. Captain Bonespur Pumpkin Head and his ship of fools want you to be disgusted and disillusioned, so you won't bother to vote. Meanwhile, his brainwashed followers will ignore the criminality, corruption and ineptitude and turn out for him. If Democrats keep the White House and win the Senate and the House, they can take on real problems like climate change, fair taxation and control of automatic weapons that no non-military person has legitimate use for. Meanwhile, tax-break loving Republicans wage war on books, science, history and women's health care. If you live here in NYC, you most likely appreciate and understand diversity and individuality - things that scare the red-hatted sheep. Please think about it, and vote.

  5. Voting may feel futile in NYC where there is a one party majority, but your vote ALWAYS matters. NEVER give up that right. This November, the future of our country is on the line. Not voting is being complicit in ending democracy. You might not like the incumbent or his policies, but the alternative will literally end this country. Look up Project 2025 and see what's at stake.

  6. @4:21pm: Please heed what @7:22PM so eloquently said!

    The right to vote is one of the most important rights we have in this country - the right to make choices for every level of government. I bet if someone told you that you could NEVER vote again in any election, you'd be totally pissed off.

    In the last mayoral election, Eric Adams won by a VERY NARROW margin. If a few more people had voted for Kathryn Garcia, SHE would have been our current mayor. That's a major difference, and New Yorkers really blew it, all b/c people can't be bothered to get their ass to their polling place and VOTE. It takes what, 10 minutes out of your day?

    Early voting is this week, and then from 6 AM to 9 PM on election day itself next Tuesday. How much easier can they make it for people to vote???? Do you need them to deliver a voting machine to your front door?

    If you sit this out, then you have no right to complain about anything. Just imagine 1.5 million people in NYC who think EXACTLY like you're thinking, and they all sit this election out.

    If 1.5 million more New Yorkers would bestir themselves to vote, we could have a lot of things be very different here!

    So, don't you see how much it DOES matter that you, as an individual, exercise your right to vote, now and in every election?

    If you're like me, you've been getting campaign flyers in the mail, and phone calls endorsing various candidates. In the time it takes to make a TikTok, people could actually find out what the candidates' backgrounds & positions on important issues are - and then their vote is an informed vote.

  7. It is really important to vote. Especially
    in the upcoming presidential election.
    If the Orange Turd gets back into the
    White House we are doomed. Our
    democracy will be a thing of the past.

  8. "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let you do it." - Mark Twain

    Voting is a fool's errand. There is rarely a good choice. It's always about picking the lesser of two evils.

  9. Hi 7:22 PM and 9:21 PM. I posted my initial comment at 4:21 PM. Thank you for your passionate and insightful responses.

    My commentary was not in jest, but of genuine concern. I was coming from a place of collective exhaustion given how toxic and dangerous our political climates has become. I understand and agree with most of your viewpoints. I happen to be a highly educated, progressive, gay forty-something professional male who votes in each and every election, rain or shine. I don't need a lecture or encouragement to visit a poll booth. What I meant to say, and perhaps I didn't say it well, is I do actually believe in democracy, even when it seems to fail us at times or even when it is being endangered by the far right. But look at our mayor. How in the world did this clown snag that role? I, like so many others voted for Kathryn Garcia because we believed in her policies and campaign. I just can't understand how Adams is in charge.. Many of my friends scratch their heads and wonder if by virtue of voting again, will we end up with him for another term. NYC cannot endure that. If there is a God, Gods, or a Goddesses in our midst, I hope he, she, or they will intervene.

  10. XTC has it right, as per Mr. Twain.

    Your dog is better than the humanoids, as he/she has only stolen your heart, not lots of $$$.

  11. @XTC: So you're an honorary MAGAt. I wouldn't be bragging about that if I were you.

    Trump & his cronies LOVE people like you, b/c you ENABLE them to keep advancing their sleazy and underhanded agenda.

  12. @6:14pm: I also vote in every primary & election, no matter what.

    The reality is that *we* ARE the Gods & Goddesses. WE have the power to intervene, and the power resides in OUR VOTE. Our vote is our individual thunderbolt to hurl. If the majority of us sit around with our thunderbolt unused, what do we expect the outcome to be? Good government doesn't happen by accident - people have to want it enough to VOTE for those whom they believe will govern wisely & honestly on our behalf.

    If we voters don't use our power, we shouldn't be surprised at what we get. Nobody else can (or will) ride to our rescue, nor save us from ourselves.

    WE are the architects of what kind of city we want: WE get to choose who will best represent us to achieve a better city.

    We were *so close* to having Kathryn Garcia as mayor, but BECAUSE tons of people were lazy & complacent, their cynical "what does my one vote matter" attitude resulted in Eric Adams being mayor. I honestly don't think NYC can survive another term of him in office.

    To all eligible voters in NYC: PLEASE VOTE if you care even one iota about NYC and how it's run.


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