Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Joey Bats Café has closed on Avenue B

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy

Over the weekend, the Joey Bats Café signage was removed from 50 Avenue B, marking the official end of the business here between Third Street and Fourth Street.
Joey Batista (aka Bats) opened his eponymous business here in October 2021. He initially sold his signature pastéis de nata from a sidewalk table until he debuted the cafe-bar late last summer.

While the Avenue B outpost is no longer open, Batista (below) will continue to sell his Portuguese custard tarts from several locations, including the Essex Market, Grand Central Terminal and Chelsea Market. (He's also expanding to Boston.) He'll also still use his shipping center on Houston Street near Clinton for nationwide orders. 
Batista was a former partner in the basement business at 50 Avenue B, GAMA Lounge. We hear that GAMA will take over the street-level space, though they have yet to respond to a request for more information.


  1. That's a huge bummer. They had a killer happy hour and an overall great vibe. Sad to see another neighborhood bar go.

  2. not surprising, nice place and staff but always slow. Even on weekends.

  3. Hey Joey! When are you going to make us malasadas! I'd pay $7 a piece for a nice hot malasada!

  4. Dang their bar had a really cool atmosphere. Unfortunately i think most people avoid going beyond Ave A so weren't getting the traffic they needed, especially in the evenings.

  5. Oh geez living on this end of Avenue B, it’s rare to see a business succeed. Glad he has other outposts, it’s hard for a business to survive over here. I’m disappointed as I loved the egg custard tarts. Reminded me of my travel in Portugal.

  6. Honestly, I thought they were gonna be horrible neighbors like Pocco's and Mamma's. But they were super sweet and respectful when it comes to loud music, etc. Hope they find a great new home.

  7. They're just rebranding was in a couple of nights ago. Just going to be a different name.

  8. I would’ve considered looking into that exact part of the neighborhood and if that was needed.

    It was not.

    Perhaps maybe 16/17 years ago when it was poppin’ over there but those days are long gone.

    The work he does is outstanding on the baking side.

    I think it was getting way ahead of itself.


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