Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bands we like: Francie Moon

Photos by Stacie Joy 

Flashback to last Sunday in Tompkins Square Park, where we caught headliners Francie Moon (aka New Jersey-based musician Melissa Lucciola) in a show organized by Show Brain

We've heard Francie Moon's music, described as "garage psych & rock n roll," though never live until this day. We enjoyed the high-energy set and her appreciation of the opportunity to play in front of an audience.  
Lucciola also plays drums with Gustaf, another band we like. (Gustaf guitarist Vram Kherlopian and percussionist Tarra Thiessen joined this set. And if you're keeping track — they both also play in Tea Eater.)

You can find more from Francie Moon here and here.
The next show we're aware of is the 36th annual Tompkins Square Riot Reunion via The Shadow on Aug. 3.


  1. Was passing by TSP and heard this band playing and was drawn in. Glad I stopped because I really liked their music and vocals/performance really stood out. I am now a fan!

  2. It’s good to see there’s still some music down here!!


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