Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday's parting shot

As seen on the steps of Sara D. Roosevelt Park along Houston at Chrystie. We're not sure what this performance art piece — featuring a naked man and woman, who was wrapped in barbed wire — was about. Richard Megna shared the photo, noting the two were standing in silence.


  1. "Performance art"? Nope, it's too puerile for that. Looks like an S&M relationship where she lost a bet.

    Regardless, it's degrading to the NEIGHBORHOOD & to most of the people who would have seen them.

    Why don't they do this in Central Park and let us know how that goes.

    1. “Degrading to the NEIGHBORHOOD” fantastic overreaction!

  2. Hopefully it represents the male seeking to untangle the female from her bonds, and not the opposite.

  3. I am happy to see a flicker of the flame of the alternative downtown performance art scene is still alive. Mild compared to some of the performances in the 1980s. Think yams, some of you know what I mean!

  4. Let's work on the needles, garbage and graffiti all over the place and then we can worry about a little nudity, artistic or not.

    1. Since when does "artistic nudity" involve wrapping a woman in barbed wire? I think this should be done with with the guy having his prick wrapped in barbed wire, and maybe some pushed up his ass-crack like a thong. Wouldn't that be truly "artistic"?!

  5. Part of the point of living downtown is not being beholden to the sensibilities of the aging racist NIMBYs and tourists of the neighborhoods surrounding Central Park. Are there limits? Sure. But mere nudity? It's the (adult) human body. I generally prefer people to have their clothes on in public, but nudity is not inherently degrading, and I don't think we can tell from this image whether this is meant to endorse or challenge the violent constraints on women in today's society.

  6. All the junkies in that park must have enjoyed seeing that or maybe they thought it was just a drug induced hallucination.

  7. Grieve, I seriously question your judgment in publishing this photo. Why was it necessary to give this a publicity boost? Are you the publicist for these people?

    I also don't see the point or value of the photo you published on Tuesday, July 16th as "Tuesday's Parting Shot".

    Women don't deserve this casual thoughtlessness.

  8. It’s just stupid. If the message isn’t clear then it’s a failure. Oh wait, I know…..uhhhh…..I can’t tell you because it would be censored.


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