Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sunflowers beam

Annual appreciation to the community gardeners (and Tile Bar regulars) who keep this pedestrian safety island garden looking so good here on First Avenue at Seventh Street...


  1. Congratulations, indeed!

    I know you haul gallons of water daily to keep this tiny, verdant island from withering in the excessive heat caused by heat reflected from asphalt and gas-fired combustion engines. How? I haul gallons of water 3/4 of a block from my apartment to a tree pit I tend.

    Three cheers for the Tile Bar gardeners!

  2. The flowers look beautiful and thank you to those that made this garden happen.

  3. And hooray for the commentor who hauls water to a street tree pit to keep a baby tree alive!! Too many newly planted trees die in the first 2 years due to water starvation. Supposedly, the city has a vendor who is responsible for watering new trees weekly for the first year but I have rarely seen them do it. I know how hard it is to haul buckets of water night after night to water new street trees because I do it too. Hey everybody, adopt just one tree on your block and help us out this summer to keep our new street trees from dying. Lots of love to you if you do!

  4. My kiddo and I were admiring it the other day. It’s such a sweet urban garden. Every time I walk by that long empty lot by Dual on 1st ave (5/6) I think that we should make seed bombs (with native flowers that could survive in abandonment) and lob the s**t out of it in late fall so it’ll be a pretty spot in spring.


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