Friday, August 30, 2024

A lot of hoop-la for this high-tech basketball backboard in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Derek Berg 

Tompkins Square Park is the temporary recipient of a "smart basketball hoop." 

A company called huupe is behind the technology that provides a lot of feedback on your game. 

NYC Parks Commissioner Sue Donoghue, huupe CEO Paul Anton, local elected officials, CB3 members, and several TV news crews were on hand yesterday to unveil the basketball courts along 10th Street near Avenue B. 

Here's more from the Parks Department
The new basketball hoop technology offers a range of advanced features designed to elevate the game. Its waterproof backboard functions as a video screen, delivering expert training content, live TV, and interactive elements to enrich the playing experience. 

Equipped with advanced sensors and an integrated webcam, the hoop provides real-time feedback on shot accuracy, trajectory, and court positioning, allowing players to refine their skills with precision. Additionally, huupe facilitates global gaming by enabling real-time shooting contests with players from around the world, boasting 99% accuracy in tracking remote competitions and fostering a competitive, international community. 

The concept for huupe originated from a remote game of 'PIG' played via Snapchat between lifelong friends Paul Anton and Lyth Saeed. Their experience highlighted a gap in remote sports interactions, sparking the creation of huupe ... Now, Anton and Saeed are dedicated to extending its benefits to underserved communities.
The hoop was installed on Tuesday and will be up until early October. (No word on whether the huupe has a built-in alarm to deter it from being stolen.)

If you want to recreate this at home, the Huupe Mini is $599, while the outdoor Huupe Pro costs $9,995.
We've come a long way from the bottomless milk crate. 

Earlier this summer, the courts were closed for several weeks to resurface, install new rims and backboards, and paint a new mural.


  1. you are being spied on no matter what you do for fun

    1. Right? Everything is data that gets pumped but to the big tech companies to make them richer.

  2. So advertising for a corporation in a city park for months yet I can't use donated dog poop bags from local businesses because they want to put their logo on the donated poop bags. Why am I not surprised.

  3. @11:49 AM I don't get it. You can't use donated dog poop bags? How does that work?

  4. Give me a break- like this is how people learn how to hoop- it's a lousy commercial pure and simple.


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