Thursday, August 8, 2024

Midday mannequin break

As seen today on Ninth Street at Stuyvesant Street... thanks to the EVG reader for the pic!


  1. So degrading to post an image of a figure that is female in such a degrading position. Shame on you. Girl power.

    1. Why do you think that those are women’s legs?

  2. Dumpster diving 101

  3. The background overgrown garbage dump is the Carl Hecht Viewing Garden. It is NOT a city park but rather the responsibility of NYU/Cooper Union. They were shamed into cleaning it up once but it has again fallen into neglect. Sitting next to a landmark residence, it is convenient dump for the disposable trash of nighttime "revelers" & rat playground.
    Perhaps EV Grieve fans can help put pressure on them to take responsibility. Rivera's office knows about it also.


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