Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday's parting shot

Photo by Stacie Joy 

The second day of the annual Tompkins Square Park Riot reunion shows was canceled due to the threat of thunderstorms. (Several downpours occurred during the afternoon.) 

However, Scott Sturgeon (on the left, from Leftöver Crack/Choking Victim/Star Fucking Hipsters), who was set to open today as a special guest, did eventually play a set later in the day... along with Tibbie Skye West on bass and a few other familiar faces (Shayne!). 

You can read more about the Tompkins Square Park police riots of Aug. 6, 1988 here.


  1. This show almost didn’t happen! So happy a few people stuck it out in the rain!

  2. We were obligated to honor the concerns of bands playing the Sunday Riot Reunion shows, so we reluctantly had to cancel due to rain, which came in force at around 4:30, when the headliners would have been playing, so they were right after all.

    Oh well, there are MORE to come on September 28 and 29 in our beloved Tompkins Square Park!!!!


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