Monday, August 26, 2024

The multipurpose courts in Tompkins Square Park are closed for painting

The multipurpose courts in Tompkins Square Park are closed starting today... through next Tuesday, Sept. 3. 

Posted signage notes this is to accommodate — gulp — painting... (and H/T to @tf_report!)
This area along Avenue A and 10th Street was closed from Oct. 16 to Dec. 1 for renovations, which included new asphalt and amenities, including a high-low fountain that kids and adults can use simultaneously, three new basketball backstops, and benches.

The courts reopened without any markings — save for around the basketball area. 

As you may recall, the original reconstruction diagrams included a walking track marked by blue paint and painted lines for kickball.
We learned about all this over the weekend, and there wasn't anyone available at Parks HQ to ask. 

So, with this painting, we may see the arrival of a marked walking path and kickball court, something that likely couldn't have been added during the more unpredictable winter weather months. 

Previously on EV Grieve


  1. Finally the long awaited running track.

  2. So who wants to start a kickball team?

  3. It's not ideal to have any part of the park closed during Labor Day weekend.

  4. Not to be a grump, but we already have a natural walking track around the perimeter of the park that people use which I have been told equals about a half mile. As a senior, I know I will not be jumping out of the way of skateboarders in order to use a painted track that is much shorter. I am glad the skateboarders have a safe place to practice and have fun together. Let them be.

  5. Parks Department apparently doesn't own a calendar that would have informed them that if they WAITED A WEEK, demand for that space would be far lower. It is the absolute definition of insanity to take that court space out of use for the 9 days leading up to Labor Day.

  6. I couldn’t agree more with the comment to leave the skateboarders alone, and I also agree that the parks outside sidewalks are a perfect walking track already, kickball really? That space is already a homemade skateboard park and if the parks department had any brains, they would put some money into it and make it a proper skateboard park, like the one in Venice Beach, come on New York I hear you’re the greatest city in the world. Where is your great skateboard park? It’s time the city of New York gave the parks department the proper funding to help Tompkins Square Park look good like other downtown parks (Washington Sq, Union Sq) instead of the poor relation it has been for so many years. Signed; 67 year old TSqPark frequent visitor and non skateboarder.

  7. If they really are putting in kickball markings, I don’t understand why. If you look at parks Dept page there is no sports permitting allowed for that field anymore. And they took the baseball accommodations away. Supposedly they talked to the community but I would have loved to have given some ideas and ensuring permitting so our kids could use this field every one and then. There’s no open space for sports around here.

  8. I’m a little concerned with the black coating they laid down today. Hope it doesn’t make a mess for the skaters. Looks soft, like for a walking track.


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