Thursday, August 1, 2024

These are the opossum days of summer in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Steven

Hello, is it me you're looking for? 

It has been a while (January), but we finally have an opossum sighting in Tompkins Square Park—with photographic evidence!

Over the years, opossums have been sighted in Tompkins Square Park (hence its own EVG opossum tag). 

We don't know how many members of the marsupial order Didelphimorphia might live in the Park. We've tried to tag them, but we haven't gotten close enough with the spray paint. (That is a joke!)

Anyway... enjoy the cuteness...


  1. Kind of cute, but rthe face reminds me of my nosey neighbor.

  2. I saw a huge one walk by me the other week as if it was just another day for it haha. The rat control people were there and told me it’s rare to see at Tompkins. Think that was my first time.

  3. I love opossums so much and hope to see one. Thank you for these pictures!

  4. I love them but worry about their safety in a small park surrounded by streets with cars on them. I wish this one could be relocated to Prospect Park or Central Park.

  5. Not sure why….these animals have always creeped me out.

  6. I love these guys. Living upstate now I have one living somewhere in my backyard. He/she spooks me if I see them at night but I like having them around for all of the tick control they do. Plus, they don't get rabies as commonly thought.


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