Friday, August 23, 2024

This week in lines

Photo by Stacie Joy 

We didn't think we'd see a line like the one for the Olympic Village muffins on Second Avenue on Saturday again, but then Kolkata Chai Co. said, "Hold my Chai oat milk soft serve." 

From 4-7 p.m. yesterday, Kolkata Chai Co. at 199 E. Third Street handed out free small cups of Chai oat milk (made with Oatly) soft serve. The line went down Third to B... north to Fourth Street ... and west on Fourth toward Avenue A. 

Per one EVGer: "CRAZY. People waiting hours for a tiny free Oatly oat milk soft-serve sample?"


  1. unacceptable=how chalky oat milk is

  2. Some people have absolutely nothing better to do with their lives

  3. Total misuse of the word milk.

  4. Why are people like this, I wanted to cry look at this shit. They wait in this huge line for a tiny cup of free soft serve? WHY????? Go away.

  5. It's all bout that 'gram! Which in this case was about a gram of WTF.

  6. Some people have absolutely nothing better to do than writing the same comments about each and every line.

  7. lol, they were giving out full soft serves, worth it, good vibes

  8. i am here for the comments

  9. I've asked them why they won't serve this all year long; if they handed out free cups in January, the line would still be around the block—it's that good.


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