Saturday, August 24, 2024

Trash fire engulfs car on 4th Street

Reporting by Stacie Joy 

The FDNY responded to an early morning report of a sidewalk trash-bag fire on Fourth Street just west of Avenue A, which spread to a parked car.

Local Assembly Member Harvey Epstein shared these photos from around 6 a.m.
It's unclear what caused the trash fire or if someone intentionally set several stacked garbage bags ablaze.

Another EVG reader shared this photo ... after the FDNY combed through and spread out the contents of the trash bags and doused them with water... 
The car appears to be destroyed. There weren't any reports of injuries.


  1. Wow - thanks Ms. Joy, I'm sure the owner of that car is not too happy this morning. ugh

  2. The car owner has my sympathy. Same thing happened to mine in Dec ‘21, trash fire on East Houston between C & D. Mine was not nearly as severe, but it was declared totaled by the insurance company. Car owner—I feel your pain.

  3. I dont like it. I dont like it one bit. Whats happening around here.

  4. THE 80's , they're baacckkkk!! Only difference is in the old days there would be a dead body in the car.

  5. Ageloff Towers—I wonder if the location is significant. (I think so.)


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