Sunday, September 1, 2024

A repainted multipurpose court comes into view in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Stacie Joy 

The multi-purpose courts/TF will reopen on Tuesday... after workers complete repainting the surface of the space along Avenue A and 10th Street. 

The crew will apparently be working on Labor Day to get this done.

 Here's how it's looking now...
The walking track around the perimeter seems to be taking shape. (Does anyone with an aerial view of the courts along 10th Street have any photos to share?)
The asphalt was just getting broken in again after renovations from Oct. 16 to Dec. 1. In addition to new asphalt, Parks added benches, fountains and three basketball backstops. 

We'll see how everyone co-exists in this new configuration. The court has been a skating hotspot for decades. 

So far, "suburban" is the word we're hearing about the new look.

As Quartersnacks noted in June 2023 about the repainted surface: "It will be a shock to the system in terms of the park's Feng Shui, but skateboarders have adjusted to way worse changes."

1 comment:

  1. Who are the "suburbanites" that pushed for this?? The only people who've ever made good use of this multi-purpose area are the skateboarders and the hockey players—yet a design that's counter to their use was imposed?

    T'hell with the people imposing changes on the East Village that don't care to understand it.


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