Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dressing up Avenue A for a 1990s crime thriller

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

We've fielded several questions in the past 24 hours about the film production underway on the southern end of Avenue A between Houston and Third Street...
Posted flyers show a project called "Chelsea Honeymoon." Sources tell us this is the Darren Aronofsky-helmed thriller "Caught Stealing" starring Austin Butler ... and an impressive cast that includes Zoë Kravitz, Regina King, Matt Smith, Liev Schreiber, Will Brill, Bad Bunny, Griffin Dunne and Vincent D’Onofrio. 

Per Deadline
Based on the books by Charlie Huston, who adapted the screenplay, the film follows Hank Thompson (Butler), a burned-out former baseball player, as he's unwittingly plunged into a wild fight for survival in the downtown criminal underworld of '90s NYC. 
Double Down Saloon on Avenue A looks to be playing a key supporting role. Recently added worn signage on the storefront advertises a "Paul's Bar" (or maybe just "Pauls Bar"). 

Staff at the bar (suspiciously clean on Saturday evening!) confirmed they will be closed through at least Sept. 27, though management declined to reveal the film's name or any other production details.
Across Avenue A, set dressers have also fit Conor's Goat with a 1990s-ish sign for a coffee shop... a staffer there said this was just for some exterior shots and that other businesses along this stretch may also be getting some vintage signage... (Unlike Double Down, Conor's Goat remains open for business.)
Filming notices are posted on parts of Avenue A, Avenue B, Second Street and Third Street ... with dates until Sept. 27. 

The film's release promises to attract considerable interest. Aronofsky's filmography includes "The Whale," "Black Swan," "Mother!," "The Wrestler," "Requiem for a Dream," and "Pi."


  1. I've been an EV resident long enough to remember when Connor's Goat WAS a coffee shop: first Alice's, then Margaret's, then Lillian's. Margaret was a tough old Polish woman with a very mercurial personality... Sometimes warm and welcoming, sometimes nasty ass hell. But she made the best babka French toast in the hood. With bacon or kielbasa for under $5. 'dems were the days!!

    1. Margret’s was my spot! She wore pleather pants and always asked if we wanted “Halley” toast.

    2. I remember those pants! 😂 I'll never forget the first day I met her. I went in for breakfast, then noticed all the workers were different. And then her name on the menu. When she came to take our order, I asked if she was Margaret, and she replied, "Who did you expect!?" Old NYC...I sure miss ya.

    3. When was Margaret's in business? Sounds like a wonderful place. I got to the EV in time for the Kiev, Leshko's, K&K, Teresa's etc, but don't recall Margaret's.

  2. Everything artistic these days is 90s this, 90s that. Let it die already... Sheesh

    1. That NYC died a long time ago, son.

  3. Big Austin Butler fan and looking forward to the movie, thanks for this!

  4. This is SOOO exciting ❣️❣️ Pleaseee keep posting pics & info ~ it's so fun to read🥰 Austin ~ such a beautiful soul! ✨️He's gonna gonna rock this✨️


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