Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Last night's partial lunar eclipse from 2nd Avenue

A dispatch about last night from Felton Davis of the Second Avenue Star Watchers...
Last night, some of the Second Avenue Star Watchers could not agree whether that was an actual shadow of the Earth in front of the Moon or just some clouds.
Per Felton: "The partial eclipse was certainly a subtle event!" 

The partial lunar eclipse coincided with this week's Harvest Moon and was visible from most of North America, all of South America, Europe, all but the easternmost parts of Africa, western portions of Asia and Russia, and parts of Antarctica, per

1 comment:

  1. For a more clearly defined lunar eclipse, check out these clips from ten years ago at Battery Park:
    Eclipse clip 01:
    About a quarter of the moon is darkened by the earth's shadow as cloud banks swirl in front.

    Eclipse clip 02:

    Eclipse clip 03:
    About a third of the moon is darkened as cloud banks continue to obscure the eclipse.

    Eclipse clip 04:
    Nearing the halfway point of the eclipse -- winds coming down the Hudson shake the camera.

    Eclipse clip 05:
    More than half of the moon is eclipsed as cloud banks devour it entirely.

    Eclipse clip 06:
    A jet takes off from Newark Airport heading north. Halfway through this clip I zoomed out to include an early morning ferry boat coming down the Hudson.

    Eclipse clip 07:
    As the moon disappears into the early morning haze, two birds circle around.


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