Friday, September 6, 2024

The multipurpose courts/TF reopen in Tompkins Square Park in living color

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

The multipurpose courts/TF reopened yesterday along 10th Street and Avenue A after a 10-plus-day closure so workers could repaint the surface. (More background is available here and here.) 

The Parks Department added color to the asphalt, including a walking track on the perimeter and markings for the basketball hoops at the eastern end. And the majority of the asphalt is painted green (no markings for kickball, though!).

The skaters also returned to this seminal, decades-long skate spot, and the various ramps and rails that were here previously are also back.
And the mood? "Elevated chill."


  1. It looks better than I expected!

  2. I was really hoping the ramps wouldn't return

    1. I am curious as to why you say that. The biggest users of that area are, I think, the skaters using the ramps.

  3. What's your issue with the ramps, just curious.

  4. I don't skate but it's great that the Parks Dept is so cooperative with the skaters. And the renovation and painting was timely and well executed. But ... why does the entire park behind the field house have to be closed for so long when the only renovation is to the field house?

  5. The painting is ridiculous—who's ever going to use that area in such a way? The "ramps" and the young skaters bring a vibrant energy to the park and the neighborhood, and do no one any harm—personally, I'm proud that they continue to hold the "multi purpose" area in such reference. I'd much rather the skaters be there than a bunch of curmudgeony NIMBYs using it as some faux running track.

  6. It just occurred to me about the markings for track lanes. At some point they will close off the northern part of East River Park and that includes the 6th st track. Lots of walkers (and runners) and I see many younger school groups that use the track lanes during the day. I wonder if Parks Dept is trying to show that they have an alternative space in the East Village for when the closure happens?

  7. Yes, It was stated a few years ago in the discussion of the East River Resilience Project that Tompkins would be a temporary solution for runners.

  8. The walking track is disgusting


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