Saturday, October 19, 2024

Here's what you need to know about the Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

10/20 FYI update: We'll have our recap from the event tomorrow...

After A LOT of drama and uncertainty, the 34th edition of the Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade is happening today (Saturday) from 1-3 p.m. 

The parade starts at 1 p.m. on Avenue A and 13th Street and ends on Seventh and A. The event has been reduced to a parade processional only — there will be no contests, judges, emcees, stage or prizes. 

Anyone interested in walking in the parade must register at 13th Street and Avenue B, with the line starting at 11:30 a.m. (You will need a bracelet to participate, and then you will be directed from 13th and B to the wait/line start of the parade at 13th and A.)
Organizers previously said there had been a frustrating and ongoing lack of cooperation from the City and a long wait with numerous bureaucratic stumbling blocks.

"I'm sorry for the late notice of details to those who want to walk in the parade. The city is letting 800 people walk this year [last year was 400], and it's first come, first serve," said Joseph Borduin, the volunteer parade producer. "To the community, I'm sorry if the M14A bus diversion affects you during the street closure." 

He continued: "I tried to do the best I could with the dog run's resources, but this parade needs more community involvement to be a successful event from which the entire community can benefit."
Previously on EV Grieve


  1. I would love to know why they couldn't use Avenue B like last year since it is already partially blocked off as part of the "Open Streets" program. However, happy it is a true parade and glad there is no stage since I could never get close enough to see anyway.

    1. The city is not doing events on Avenue B because it will require 30 people to vacate their vehicles from free car parking spots. The city thinks it is better to inconvenience thousands of M14A bus riders instead. Priorities.

    2. Did Ave B Open Streets schedule a competing event? Did anyone go?

  2. meanwhile, the dogs are thinking:
    these stupid humans…

    1. All the dogs are thinking is: food food food. Like the humans.

    2. Thousands of children are starving in Gaza, Africa, and other parts of the world and Americans spend BILLIONS of dollars on dog accessories every year. When will we realize that our priorities reflect our human values? Sorry to be a party pooper but parading your dog down Ave A wearing red patent leather booties, really? What hath God wrought to our beloved East Village?

    3. Ah, yes, let’s all be miserable because some people are miserable. Great point.

  3. Many annoying people and people "who love dogs" as if the dogs wanna be in this big crowd wearing their bullshit so their annoying human can have people look at them.

  4. This is going to be a mess. Too many people on the sidewalks which will make them impassable. No bus. On a beautiful Saturday when residents just want to go about their days in peace. Who benefits from this?

  5. To Choresh Wald:
    For what it is worth, City DOT is happy to benefit bicyclists and create hardship for bus riders by putting Open Streets on bus routes like the M7 and M11.

    Yes DOT has designated segments of Columbus and Amsterdam Avenue as Open Streets on weekends.
    That means lack of bus access.
    Not just an inconvenience - but a hardship for those who need buses most like folks with mobility issues, elderly.

    Of course no restriction on bicyclists - bicyclists are prioritized over bus riders.

  6. Choresh wald:
    I should also add that the City thinks it is fine to have street "fairs" in midtown like today on 8th Avenue 42-52nd - which is a complete disaster for all bus riders - MTA buses, Port Authority buses, other long-distance buses.

    But hey, no limits on bicyclists.

  7. I just returned from that hell, at least from where I was sitting (small dog park with my un-costumed dog, then trying to get out of the throng). Instagram influencers, one clone after the other, most dogs (from my view) wearing slapdash costumes bought at Petco, pulled along by their preening owners...maybe a 20 to 1 ratio of human to dog, if that. How different it once was. I try to avoid nostalgia, and maybe the contest itself was good; but this has become a horror show in general. I wish they'd cancel. Do the organizers really need the money? Other dog parks get by...

    1. Our Councilmember, Carlina Rivera, is desperate for a photo op to show that she does something. She demands the event go on. I bet the volunteer organizers would have been fine to cancel the parade. Waiting until less than 24 hours to get the go ahead must have been stressful.

  8. I love dogs but dog people can be annoying and self entitled in general. That long leash is blocking the whole sidewalk while you have a conversation.

    To the standard local bike haters chiming in - a hilariously regular EVGrieve threadjack: Besides licensing electric motorcycles that happen to look like bikes what restrictions are missing? I mean besides complete abolition?

  9. Oh, Lord. What a bunch of misery Marthas the commenters are today. It was crowded, but pleasant, for the 40 mins. or so I was there. There were cute costumes. Almost every dog I saw looked okay with being there--there were a couple little guys in their person's arms who I suspect may have put the brakes on earlier. Some dogs aren't suited for the parade. Mine could NEVER in a million years, he won't even tolerate a costume long enough for me to get a picture. But some don't care, or love the attention.

    Anyway, do you guys want local culture or not? It turns out it's not always perfectly convenient to have events! Music makes noise. People come to things and have weight and take up space. Art looks ugly sometimes.

    (Gothamist has reported that the guy running it for First Run is hanging it up, so you haters may well get your wish...won't it be nice when the Starbucks reclaims control of the parkside blocks?)

    1. Nah, I don't want "local culture" when it's thisstupid. How much $$ is spent on doggie costumes, and how many dog costumes get thrown out afterwards? I hope nobody involved with this says they care about the planet.

    2. OK, anonymous, I'm going to come over to your apartment and judge whether I think everything you spend on entertainment for yourself and your family is worthy. You think your trash could withstand scrutiny?

      Just say you find it annoying. You're allowed to dislike things without trying to dress it up in principles.

  10. The dog thing is like Santacon, all the obnoxious brunch people who want people to look at them take over. Enough with this shit.

  11. I will never understand people who claim to love animals but then subject their nonhuman companions to things like this. They're like the people who will tell you much they love the birds they keep as pets as they eat their chicken salad.

    A collateral complaint: FedEx failed to deliver my cat's needed medicine yesterday as scheduled, probably bc I'm at ground zero for where this event began.

  12. Local business on Ave A say they had their best day of the year

  13. I honestly haven’t seen East Village this lively in over a decade. I had no idea it was the dog 🐶 parade that brought in the crowd.


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