Monday, October 21, 2024


Photos by William Klayer 

Someone has placed a screen over these LinkNYC kiosks along First Avenue... with one noting: "And so the most powerful country in the world has handed over all of its affairs to a carnival barker" ... while another reads: "See Your Country Clearly."
Updated 10/22 

William Klayer provides an update, noting that workers have removed the screens over the two LinkNYC kiosks, which caused no damage, and are returning us to our usual programming of trivia and ads.


  1. Vandalism should not be tolerated.

  2. ...except when it's art.

  3. But freedom of speech should

  4. Those kiosks are an eyesore and block off sidewalk foot traffic and generally ruin the beauty of streetscapes and use too much energy. But I don't like someone making them into their own private art project either. Sure some have the opinion that "I like them!" But some sanitation worker needs to spend a few hours (and needs to be paid tax dollars) figuring how to remove it without damaging the screen.

  5. Society has set aside this place ( east village) for ideas, thoughts freedom of expression.
    People come to the east village to see stuff like this without them our great east village will vanish.

  6. Actually, I checked these out yesterday. Easy removal. They’re just giant stickers that leave no marks or change and can be removed in seconds, so not vandalism.

  7. And yet, I have come across adults who refuse to vote giving excuses such as, "they're tired of all of it", "it won't change anything", "both parties, candidates are a waste of time" and half a dozen other cop-outs. What strikes me even more is that a good majority of them are female. WTF?!?!?

    Stupidity, apathy, willful ignorance and fear run rampart through this country. BUT, don't tell them that they can't get their packaged delivered in five minutes, or that gas prices are going up, or that being dumb and stupid isn't their god-given-right. Truly depressing, but, we get what we deserve.

    1. The thing is, Anon, Americans are stupid. Not everyone, some not always. But generally speaking, they are not very smart or well informed.

      It's a Republic, if you can keep it. Most people don't get that.

  8. Vote how you want, but definitely VOTE. The turnout for our area has been abysmal and people wonder why we still have Carlina Rivera. Because no one bothered to vote her out! Now visualize the bigger picture and the future of our country. Our lives literally depend on this one.

    1. Or it could be said that the voters have spoken out in favor of Carlina Rivera and your viewpoints are actually in the minority. Honestly you sound like a trump supporter with that rhetoric


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