Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday's parting shots

Photos by Stacie Joy 

Happy 10th anniversary to C&B Café owner Ali Sahin and his team at 178 E. Seventh St., between Avenue A and Avenue B.
C&B opened in January 2015, and they've been great neighbors ever since. They sponsored the tree lighting in Tompkins Square Park, provided kitchen space to the volunteers who went on to form EVLovesNY, fed unhoused neighbors, provided Thanksgiving meals at Graffiti Church, refilled the community fridge, and taught kids from the Amsterdam School how to make cookies for free. The list goes on.


  1. Yessss, I love them!! Genuinely the best bakery and coffee shop in the city.

  2. Happy Anniversary, Ali!! Thank you!

  3. A rare boss and business that evolved post pandemic to be better than ever. So grateful to have them as neighbors!!

  4. He is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet ..makes the neighborhood a better place to live.

  5. What an absolute gentleman ..thank you for help making the LES what it is

  6. Ali is a Great Man and yes he does make this neighborhood a better place to live.

  7. Congrats Ali & your krewe ! Keep on rockin brother !

  8. Love this. Good people doing good things for our neighbors. Very refreshing, and it helps to heal after reading the national news. God help us. The tree in Tompkins looks beautiful BTW, everyone thinks so. Thanks for that cheer!!!!

  9. That place is so delicious. From the bread to the croissants, and other delicious delectable delights, this is a little spot of heaven in our neighborhood. Thank you so much for bringing your flavor here.


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