Thursday, January 2, 2025

Let's take a look at the Cinnabon/Carvel combo storefront opening soon on 14th Street

Photos by Stacie Joy

As noted a few weeks back, a Cinnabon/Carvel combo shop is coming to 430 E. 14th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue. 

We looked inside yesterday (yes, this is how we spend our New Year's Day!)...
There isn't a form opening date yet, but a worker said it would be "very soon." So get ready to order one of Carvel's famous Fudgie the Whale or Cookie Puss cakes. 

Tom Carvel started the business in New York from an ice cream truck in 1929 ... and he famously narrated the brand's commercials in the 1970s and 1980s. 

Of the 347 Carvel outposts in the United States, 200 are in New York State, and several Cinnabon/Carvel combos are in the five boroughs. 

Previously on EV Grieve


  1. How I made it through Better Call Saul without ever having tried a Cinnabon, I don't know. Now I'm lactose intolerant so I'll have to live my life without it. The struggle is real

  2. I hope they have Carvel soft serve and not just packaged products.

    1. if you look at picture 4 the soft serve machine is the second to the far right machine

  3. Cinnabon? In Manhattan? I haven't seen this business since the nineties when I was a teenager working at the mall in my hometown of Reno, NV.

  4. the suburbanization/midtownization is real


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