Sunday, February 23, 2025

A dog in distress

An EVG reader who lives mid-block on the west side of Second Avenue between Fifth Street and Sixth Street reports hearing "a dog that has been crying and howling every night for the past 2–3 months." 

The reader isn't sure exactly where the dog might be, except the sound seems close by and coming from some adjacent outdoor space.
"I've submitted multiple 311 complaints for animal abuse, but they are always closed with 'police action not necessary.' To be fair, I'm not sure if I'm sending the cops to the right address, and I wouldn't know the apartment to send them to even if I did know." 
"I'm reaching out to you because I'm not sure what else to do at this point," the reader said. "This breaks my heart every night... Sounds like the pup is without shelter, exposed to all kinds of weather."


  1. Work with your neighbors to determine where the sounds are coming from. When you figure it out, try the nyc animal cruelty hotline.

  2. I have been hearing that dog since last summer. It's both heartbreaking and annoying. The owner leaves that poor creature out for hours on end, even in the freezing cold - at night! Why?
    Due to the impossibility to locate where the sound is emanating from exactly, calling 311 is pointless. They need an address in order to take any action. Surely there are people who reside in that very building who could remedy that situation, but it seems that no one has stepped forward.

    1. Me too! I believe it's 95 2nd ave... I know it's not my building at 97 2nd, and it sounds really close to me. I'm not sure though...

  3. Have signs been posted throughout the surrounding buildings?

  4. Post it on FB. Look up the LES and EV groups. They are good with issues like this.


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