Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Cinnabon/Carvel combo shop is now OPEN on 14th Street

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

The Cinnabon/Carvel combo shop is now open at 430 E. 14th St., between Avenue A and First Avenue. 

We stopped by the shop, which opened on Monday, and met Zahra, the franchise owner, and the rest of the staff on duty...
After two days, and to no surprise, the top seller has been the classic Cinnabon cinnamon roll...
There's also Carvel's soft serve...
... and cakes, though no sign of the Cookie Puss...
We spotted our old friend and best-seller Fudgie the Whale, who looks more predatory than we recall from our youth. (The sugar rush from the layers of fudge and soft serve washed down with a two-liter soda likely blurred our memories — thanks, Mom!)
There are seats for eating in...
And today (Wednesday!), there is a buy-1-sundae, get-1-free deal...
This outpost is open daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Find more info here. 

Tom Carvel started the business in New York from an ice cream truck in 1929 ... and he famously narrated the brand's commercials in the 1970s and 1980s. (Catch him on Letterman here.) 

Of the 347 Carvel outposts in the United States, 200 are in New York State, and several Cinnabon/Carvel combos are in the five boroughs. (Carvel and Cinnabon are owned by the same company, GoTo Foods.)

Previously on EV Grieve


  1. OMG who doesn’t love a carvel ice cream or a Cinnabon roll? Just in time for upcoming Spring. Wishing them the best of luck and success!

  2. I will have to stop by the place.

  3. I am all for children having a a happy birthday.

  4. HAHAHA....SO TRUE!!! (The sugar rush from the layers of fudge and soft serve washed down with a two-liter soda likely blurred our memories — thanks, Mom!) PLUS WITH CHEESE DOODLES ON THE SIDE😁

  5. Omg. My birthday's coming up and guess who's getting herself a FUDGIE THE WHALE cake!! 🍫 πŸ‹ 🐳

  6. Do the have “Cookie Puss & Fudgy the Whale”?🀣

  7. Got my sugar high yesterday with the 2 for 1 Wed. sundae special and a cinnamon bun. Both were very good. Zahra served me and she was very nice.

  8. OMG. Love Carvel. Gonna go over and this weekend for a cone. I wish them the best. Great addition to E. 14th.


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