Wednesday, March 5, 2025

From pizza to politics: Eleven B serves up a new campaign HQ on Avenue B

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy

In recent months, we've received several inquiries about the status of Eleven B, the pizzeria owned by Vincent Sgarlato and his family on the southwest corner of 11th Street and Avenue B. 

A large for-lease banner arrived on the 11th Street side in the fall, though it remained in business.

Now, though, Sarah Batchu, a Democratic candidate for the open City Council District 2 seat, has debuted a campaign office inside the restaurant. This is a temporary, four-month lease agreement with Eleven B for the corner space. The restaurant and bar will (physically) remain the same, pending possible reopening once the campaign office lease is up.

"We are holding the space for him, happy to help," says Batchu of Sgarlato. 

Batchu says she will host community events here, including constituent services.
In the interim, the Express slice shop remains in service on the 11th Street side, offering slices and whole pies.
Meanwhile, one block away, we ran into local Assembly Member Harvey Epstein, another Democratic District 2 Council candidate. He has opened a campaign office on 12th Street and Avenue B.
The other candidates for this District 2 seat (Carlina Rivera has been term-limited) are:

Andrea Gordillo (Democrat)

Jason Murillo (Republican)

Allie Ryan (Democrat)

Gail Schargel (Democrat)

Anthony Weiner (Democrat)

The primaries take place on June 24.


  1. Gordillo, Batchu, and Epstein are great. But I just don't see how our district can pass up the rare chance to be represented by the guy whose inability to stop sending explicit messages to teens landed him in prison and gave us Donald Trump.

  2. Woah! Anthony Weiner? No thank you. Please go away.

  3. A friend and I went there hoping for lunch but discovered that yes they're closed and no the pizza place is not a place for a lunch. It's got a counter and that's it. I went elsewhere. Sorry to lose a good restaurant that had excellent caesar salad along with their pies.

  4. They do make pizza that is better than most.

    1. Meh, not nowadays, that you have so many new parlors around.


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