Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy
If you were wondering about yesterday's lines on 14th Street and Third Avenue, Joe's Pizza became Jonas Pizza for part of the day.
... as part of a Jonas Brothers 20th-anniversary event (they formed as a band in 2005), which included lighting up the Empire State Building Friday night.
Anyway! There was a Jonas Brothers slice and merch inside... as well as excited fans...
Later in the day, the brothers — Kevin, Joe and Nick — arrived on the scene for a quick DJ set...
And today, the American Dream Mall in New Jersey hosts the sold-out JonasCon ...
"As of March 2025, Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, are currently in their late 20s to early 40s, with the youngest ones being in their late 20s and the oldest in their early 40s. "
Seems about right.
Joe's Pizza is the most OVERRATED slice in NYC!
I wonder if any of them showed up at their voting booth?
They're actually a band?
This is true.
Only in NYC kiddos. And yes, Joe's pizza has seen better days. The bottom of their slices are usually burnt.
So happy was not born in the age of Instagram, I hate waiting in lines especially for food, although it was popular during the 1930's.
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