Good lord, has Coyote Ugly really been there on First Avenue near Ninth Street for 16 years? I don't think I've been there in 15 and half years...
So what I have missed?
And of course!
Man! Has there ever been a more accurate portrayal of moving to NYC?
Hell no, H2O
I always thought Friends was right on the nose.
I started watching some of the movie last night on YouTube...Hoo-boy! Love this last scene where our heroine gets a call from the Bowery Ballroom!
Well, she's not hard on the eyes.
that movie is bogus. of course, john goodman was the only good part of it.
...wait, i mean i didn't see it.
Ha! Likely story, BB!
I have a vague memory of seeing this at a press screening...and members of the audience snickering...mostly during the serious parts.
Where on earth is there a greedy EV landlord and a ticking 16 year lease when you need one......
Oh, HG! You're still pissed about the time you ordered water there!
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