"The cleanup crew at Webster Hall was left with quite a mess on its hands after country crooner Keith Urban's performance last Wednesday. According to sources at the club, someone aboard a Verizon-sponsored Keith Urban tour bus emptied the vehicle's septic tank outside the East 11th Street club at 3 a.m., after the show. "There was about 150 square feet of gunk, a half an inch think, outside the main entrance," says one employee. "It was a literal [expletive] show." (Page Six)
I'm really surprised that this didn't get more press. They should have been fined and the coach company taken to task.
A tour bus like this generally only takes #1 (you never sh*t on a bus) but the newer models have the capability for #2. Still, dropping anything but liquid is surprising and is usually done on a freeway on-ramp at night when nobody sees it as it would incur a serious fine.
A few years ago, Dave Matthew's bus driver dumped a tank over the Chicago river just as a tour boat was passing underneath. There was a huge uproar over it.
Yuck. Page Six said it took 12 hours to clean up 11th Street.
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