Maria Baugh, one of the owners of Butter Lane Cupcakes, sent me an e-mail late yesterday afternoon about my post titled, "Is Butter Lane turning into a bar?"
Here's what she had to say:
Hi E.V. Grieve,
My name is Maria Baugh and I’m one of the owners of Butter Lane. I wanted to introduce myself and try to address your questions/concerns about Butter Lane’s application for a liquor license.
We’re applying for a liquor license because we would like to occasionally offer champagne mostly for events or special promotions. We are also exploring the idea of offering wine pairings with cupcakes. We are not turning into a bar!
Also, just so there’s no confusion, we’ve been open until 11 pm on weeknights and midnight on Friday and Saturday (10 pm on Sunday) since we opened in November. Our hours have not changed.
Our main objective is to offer great-tasting, high-quality cupcakes to residents of the East Village and beyond. We love the neighborhood and our many customers who are also our Butter Lane neighbors.
Wine pairings with cupcakes sounds quite yummy.
Why do you build me up
Butter Lane, baby
Just to let me down
and mess me around
So build me up Butter Lane, but don't break my heart
haha, nice one, esquared.
Hmm, there's trouble afoot...
as a sidenote:
i'm fairly certain they pay their delivery people well, which is super commendable. and if they're paying delivery people well, the rest of the staff is most likely paid well too which is always commendable.
most likely, i won't be going there anytime soon but at least the money is being spread around.
Why is any place that sells cupcakes, let alone wine pairings with cupcakes, better than a bar? Are bars really that bad?
Thanks, Goggla... I missed Bob's post...glad it wasn't anything serious...
and how is a place that serves wine not a wine bar?
Where did this woman learn anything about food or wine? To even suggest that wine should be anywhere near a cupcake is the height of pretense, and just simply stupid. The closest legitimate pairing of a dessert with wine would be Vin Santo. It's a sweet wine served in Italy with Biscotti, but CUPCAKES??
Thanks Sempion, I thought I was the only to think this "pairing" notion was ridiculous.
They do wine pairings at Chikalicious with much success.
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