Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Report: Police charge two teens for robbery on Avenue A and Houston last Saturday

From the NYPD Daily Blotter in the Post today:

Two teens were arrested for beating and robbing a man in Alphabet City, police said yesterday. Joshua Igartua, 16, and a 15-year-old accosted the 23-year-old man at Avenue A and East Houston Street at 11:30 p.m. Saturday, cops said. They allegedly punched the man in the face and body, then swiped his cell phone. Police were called and arrested the pair on robbery charges.

For a more complete picture of what's happening on the streets, be sure to read Bob Arihood's Neither More Nor Less.

In response to recent violence in the East Village: Alphabet City Neighbors


  1. i hate to say it, but bring back Guiliani. The man let the cops to their thing....busting heads. The thugs knew it and kept to themselves.

  2. @ Ken Mac:

    You're a shithead. Hope those same kids whip you too: and you get thrown in jail for protesting outside the prison pens Rudy set up next time you take to the streets for your pet cause.


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