Monday, July 13, 2009

I knew, but I didn't want to be the one to tell you and ruin your weekend

Meanwhile, on Friday, Paper checked in with a Superdive update, including:

Those who aren't quite as eager to work on their beer bellies can order a mixed drink (starting at $6) but, despite rumors, aren't welcome to DIY behind the bar, which on a recent night was cordoned off. Claiming that people misunderstood the mix-your-own concept, manager Keith Okada (the owners wish to remain anonymous) clarified that bartenders will make the drink in a shaker which you can then Tom-Cruise-in-Ray-Bans-style strain into a plastic cup.


  1. You held a private party at Superdive and you didn't invite us?

  2. Ha!

    I didn't have enough ping-pong balls...



  4. The furnishings were recycled from the owners' previous bar ventures. Anything look familiar?

  5. A clue! I wasn't paying too much attention to the furnishings -- only to make sure that I didn't sit in anything.



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