Friday, August 7, 2009

Posts that I never got around to posting: Missed connections on Craigslist

boy that asked about world hunger/saving the environment + i was rude - w4m - 22 (Union Square)

Date: 2009-07-28, 5:23PM EDT

you were standing on 14th between 5th and 6th i believe, on the south side of the street asking people to donate to a cause. i can only assume this, as when you approached me i turned to you, noting your flushed face and sweaty brow, and replied with 'i have time, i just don't want to stop.' afterwards, i felt like more of an asshole than i have in my entire life. i sit here at union square typing this from a non-qwerty-keypad-phone. i know you have a tiresome and often unrewarding job, and i honestly didn't mean to be so abrasive. i have a quirky sense off humor that is typically off putting and difficult to understand because normally things i find humorous aren't funny at all. regardless, i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. if you'd like, i'd like to buy you a cold beverage of your choice next time you are out in the heat saving the world. if anyone may know this young man, i ask that you please pass this on to him.

Blonde on houston around 11pm - m4w - 24 (Downtown)

Date: 2009-07-28, 10:54AM EDT

i was standing outside of the film forum talking with a friend at around 11 or 11:30 last night as you walked by. We were the only people outside of the theatre and when you walked by i grilled you pretty hard. you were completely stunning.


  1. For the top missed connection, was she talking about this guy.

    (and also, again, I'm stealing this post, hope you don't mind)

  2. Please steal away!

    And what does "grilled you pretty hard" mean? I'm being too literal.

  3. I wouldn't mind being grilled by the blonde girl on Houston, or anywhere.


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