Time Out reviews Superdive this week.

Let's see what they have to say:
Rowdy frat bars don’t usually pique our interest. But Superdive so perfectly replicates the Alpha Beta experience that, fine, we’ll do a reluctant keg stand. But just one.
It’s like a fictional frat house, with a lack of decor so striking — a couple of couches, a long ugly bar, a few tables hosting beer pong — it could’ve been achieved only by drunk dudes who slept through the campus-center poster sale. The crowd appears to have stumbled out of an Abercrombie catalog and on most nights packs the place full. In fact, on weekends you’ll want a reservation — an absurd requirement for a place that postures as the ultimate dive bar.
Like it or not, Superdive’s management has achieved what they presumably set out to do: bring pledge week debauchery to a Manhattan bar. A bartender summed it up best: “If someone pukes, we probably won’t kick them out.” We’re intrigued and horrified at the same time.
how that description could warrant anything but disdain, never mind 3 stars, is beyond my comprehension.
ReplyDeleteThis must be their revenge on you for shaming them re: their failure to credit Jim Power.
ReplyDeleteTime Out stopped being worthy of reading 10 years ago.
ReplyDeleteIn the fraternity system, Hell Week for pledges only lasts one week. We're up to two months now.
ReplyDeletearen't they a little late to the game here?
ReplyDeleteThis success of this place is really more a testament to marketing than anything. What's really hilarious is that every time a review like this appears, the manager's job gets about 10 times harder.
ReplyDeleteSome of these reviews are fun to read:
I hate it when people have fun in a manner that I don't approve of.
ReplyDeleteNext time I need to puke I'll go to Superdive!
ReplyDeleteLock them inside. Burn it to the ground.
ReplyDelete"Superdive" isn't really a dive bar. Its clean, brightly lit, and the ambiance and the crowd isn't much different than with Drop Off Service across the street. Anyway dive bars don't close for private parties. That should clue people off.
ReplyDeleteIts really just another yunnie bar, no different than tons of others in the East Village/ LES. The publicists did a great job in creating interest in a place that is pretty ordinary. I can see this place being the harbinger of big changes in the neighborhood if it had appeared six years ago.
I can't wait until they start featuring karaoke.
I can't find it--where is it?
ReplyDeleteTONY review is here: