Thursday, September 10, 2009

Flashback: When the Christodora House became a Greek house

Jill's post yesterday on the 12th Street NYU frathouse reminded me of a post I did almost one year ago to date...Here it is again...from Sept. 9, 2008...

[Photos by Charlie Kerman]

In 1983, when the Christodora House on Avenue B was still abandoned, members of the Tau Delta Phi, Delta Eta Chapter at Cooper Union, placed their Greek letters on the west side atop the 17-floor building. Don't have a lot of details, such as how long the letters remained there. Long enough for a photo opp, of course. Photos of the letters crew are below. (Note the condition of the Christodora...)


  1. I had totally forgotten about this. Thanks for reposting.

  2. The person I contacted about was an engineer of some sort. Another was an architect, I think.

  3. I was the leader of this effort. Seriously. What would you like to know?

    It was September 1980. We were Coopper Union Engineering students. A fraternity rented an apartment 3 dorrs north of the building and we climbed over the roofs to gain acceess.


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