Saturday, September 12, 2009

The (Penn Station) eagle has landed

Nice preservation piece in the City Room on one of the old Penn Station eagles. Its new perch: The eighth floor at the new Cooper Union building.

[Photo by Claire Michie]


  1. I'm sure you could find a hundred things wrong with me, Mr. Eagle. A thousand. But you wouldn't throw me out of your new nest on a wet Saturday morning I'm sure...That's statues for you! Anything is better than nothing.


    2 (10 oz.) cans Campbell's Cream of Chicken Soup
    2 (about 9 oz.) packages frozen mixed vegetables, thawed
    1 Eagle statue (about 5,700 lbs)
    1 cup chicken broth combined with 2 tablespoons flour
    2 Pillsbury pie shells

    Preheat oven to 400°F.

    Mix soup, vegetables, eagle, and broth. (The mixture should be sort of thick.) Place in pie shell.

    Bake for 35 minutes until golden. (Cover pie edge if it begins to brown too quickly). Delicious!

  3. Hmmm... Must add this recipe to the EV Grieve Fall Dining Issue.


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