Friday, October 9, 2009

On the increased criminal activity in Stuy Town

We've had several posts in recent weeks/months about the increased crime in the neighborhood. We're certainly not alone. Our friend Lux Living has chronicled the increased criminal activity in Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village. On Sunday, a 28-year-old woman was attacked outside 8 Stuyvesant Oval. As LL reported, "the tenant was grabbed from behind and dragged into the trees near the building's M level where she was choked. She was able to fight off her attacker and nearby neighbors made enough noise to scare him away. Unfortunately incidents like this one are becoming all too common in Stuy Town."


  1. I wish the city would put some kind of fence around Stuy Town already! It's getting too crazy and violent there and I'm afraid it could start to spill over into the EV!

  2. I've suggested trading it to Pittsburgh for a development to be named later. But the GM won't listen!


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