Thursday, October 8, 2009

Save the date (to be far away): Beer pong tourney at Angels and Kings on Oct. 17

$60 per team to enter, and that will get you unlimited beer and two slices of pizza...


  1. Ten teams of 2...2 slices per person...that's a skimpy 5 pizzas, and the winner gets a $60 gift cert for the bar? Meh.

  2. But FREE beer. That's when they'll haul out the old barrel of Natty Light from Super Bowl XXXI.

  3. Well, you're still paying $60...pong seems to be the bonus. To get your money's worth, you'll have to spend the whole day here or have at least ten beers (plus the pizza).

    Oh, who am I kidding? Who wants to be on my team?

  4. Now you're talking! Just give in to the urge to beer pong!


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