Monday, November 2, 2009

Absinthe absent on First Avenue (and Elvie's now for lease)

Jeremiah has written about the ongoing noise problems at Absinthe wine bar at 111 First Ave. near Seventh Street. It opened last December.

Anyway, I'm not certain when the place closed or changed concepts or names or whatever, but a new canopy is up at the address...

Meanwhile, up First Avenue near 12th Street...We noted a few weeks ago that Elvie's Turo-Turo, the Philippine eatery, was seized by the marshals...the "for lease" signs went up last week.


  1. Sorry to hear about Elvie's. Also noticed today two changes on 3rd Avenue between 13th and 14th. The space that used to host Hea is getting filled by Friendhouse (some restaurant which used to be on the other side of the street), and Daydream frozen yogurt is turning into a hair salon.

    I've been wondering how yogurt stores make it through the winter.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Found Connections. I've never eaten at Friend House. But I've seen the inside of it -- a narrow space. Hea is an enormous two-level space. Lots of room to fill up...good luck. Despite 500 froyo spots in the EV, Daydream had the prime location right in the heart of the NYU dorm row. Interesting that they couldn't make it...Rent has to be a fortune in that location, tho.

  3. I haven't been to Elvie's in years since I moved to Brooklyn but I used to eat there all the time when I lived in the East Village. I am very, very sad to see it go because I have so many memories of eating there. I brought all my friends and relatives there when they visited me. So so sad!


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