Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chico's back; ditto for the Rat Pack

As you may know, Chico is back in town to do a few more murals in the neighborhood. Aside from his anti-violence mural on Houston and Avenue B, he created this tribute to Eric "Taz" Pagan on 13th Street and Avenue A.

He also did this Rat pack mural on the gate of Summit, the new bar that replaced Baraza on Avenue C near Ninth Street.



For further reading:
A well-preserved Chico mural (BoweryBoogie)

Chico, ‘The Messenger,’ spreads message of peace back on L.E.S. (The Villager)


  1. A little surprised Chico included the cigarettes, not a good message to kids and folks in general -- but I guess it's historically accurate to the Rat Pack. He didn't have them knocking back martinis though. Actually, I think Chico smokes, so maybe that's why he didn't think it was taboo.

  2. The Rat Pack one is nice!
    Is Chico doing more murals still while he's back?

  3. Thanks for the comment, Maarten. I believe I did hear that Chico would be doing several more murals...I know of at least three so far...I'll see if I can learn about the others.


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