Friday, November 6, 2009

Fence going up around the old Cooper Union Engineering Building: Demoliton to follow?

Haven't addressed the Cooper Union Engineering Building demo rumor since at least May.



  1. wonder what that means for us street vendors..

  2. Hi EV,
    Passed by on my way to the Astor Pl. subway this morning --the fenced-in garden on the SW corner of the property was being paved over. There was a huge pile of course gravel ready to be raked in preparatory to the concrete pour, and a plastic vapor barrier had been placed over the bare ground where daffodils were blooming just last week. You'd think that it wouldn't hurt to leave a patch of green with flowers instead of more concrete behind that fence. It's going to be really nasty with trash blowing around behind there.

    Is it being paved for the New York Film Academy? Nothing else appears to be going on with the building. What were they thinking? Are the London Plane trees next to go?

  3. Thanks for the information, OldSettler... I'll have to check this out! I'm not sure what the plans are here anymore, to be honest...


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