Sunday, December 13, 2009

18th annual Tompkins Square Park holiday tree lighting is today

The lights have been placed on the tree....

And from 4-5 p.m. today...(via Greenwala)

The 18th annual Holiday Tree Lighting at Tompkins Square takes place Sunday, December 13 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Tompkins Square Park, near the southeast corner of the central lawn.

Over 30 caring people volunteer their efforts to make each year's Tree Lighting our biggest and happiest celebration yet. The musicians of the Mandel & Lydon Trio, sponsored by Third Street Music School Settlement, join carolers from Theater for the New City, donating their time and talent to help lead everyone in songs of the season.

A joyful crowd of neighborhood residents joins us as our audience, growing in size each year. The Tree Lighting has become a bright East Village tradition, touching more and more people every season.

Flashback to last year's tree lighting...


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