Saturday, December 12, 2009


A little brisk, but a fine morning nonetheless to run some errands. It's rather peaceful out and...


SANTA! SANTA! I followed a group of Santas up First Avenue who kept yelling at people a block ahead of them -- at 9:30 a.m. ... And someone asked my where the North Pole was -- two different times along Third Avenue. Can't wait till they all start drinking...

The Santas are congregating now at Lunasa.


  1. Nooo! I'll take the Zombie crawl over Santacon anyday..

  2. Will be a real shitshow tonight...with barfing santas everywhere... Seems like a long time again when people came here for a night out to be part of a special neighborhood, not to take it over. People adapted to the neighborhood; the neighborhood didn't have to adapt to them.

  3. ugh these asshats got into the same subway car as me, took it to 6th ave [my stop as well], took their time walking through the hallway of doom ["To the F, dude!!", yeah, I know..] and then waiting for who knows how long on the 123 platform.

  4. I met the Grinch and one of the Santas who was nice. I posted 2 photos.

  5. Exactly what is the deal with all these Santas? There's dozens of them everywhere. Anybody know what's going on?

  6. ok. never mind. Got it.

  7. I came across two sets of Santa pub crawlers group was part of Santacon, and they all seemed to be on the asshat-y side. Then there was a another group on a pub crawl. It's an annual thing they do in the neighborhood. They were actually polite and pleasant. They were at Niagra and Sophie's, among other stops.


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