Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beaming up on Fifth Street

A few weeks back Curbed dropped the details on what the new building will look like at 532 E. Fifth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B...Six floors and 10 units of glass and shine...

Now the steel is rising from the pit...

...and soon, the neighbors to the west of this property will lose their light and views...

Perhaps someone inside will document the coming darkness.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Demolition on East Fifth Street

On the way: A five-story apartment building for Fifth Street


  1. Guess the developer never heard the old Spock mantra about the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, hence the loss of yet another charming, suitable for its surroundings edifice in favor of some eerie monolith that has nothing in common with its neighbors or its neighborhood.

  2. very well said lisa.

  3. on the upside, it's only six floors. that's the same as my century-old tenament on 6th.

    does anyone know if that a result of recently-enacted zoning laws? i kind of feel like i recall hearing something was going into effect (much too late to prevent some nyu travesties further northeast, but a good thing nonetheless)

  4. The new zoning regulations were passed by city council in 2008... But the zoning stops at 13th Street to the north, which explains the 18-story 123 Building at 14th and 3rd Avenue that's going up...

  5. i can't wait to see the d-bags who move into this place. i will "enjoy" a prime view from the back (i'm on 4th street right behind this former parking lot turned faux luxury nothingness. it looks like the back will feature some sort of outdoor raised patio space. if only we could bbq the bankers who surely will reside here.


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