Monday, April 19, 2010

CB3 says yes to fishmonger, rejects Michael Huynh

Only 8-9 hours left in tonight's CB3/SLA meeting... a few highlights:

-- Ludlow Street's TPoutine was rejected by the Board again for noise complaints from neighbors... and they're not even serving booze yet...

-- The Board rejected Michael Huynh's request to serve beer and wine at his newly opened DOB at 115 St. Mark's Place.

-- In the evening's most contentious battle (so far), the Board approved a full liquor license for Keith Masco's planned seafood eatery/bar/fishmonger at 171 Avenue A. With this, there are now six liquor licenses among nine storefronts on Avenue A between 10th Street and 11th Street. A whole lot more on this one tomorrow.

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