EV Grieve reader David sent along the following shots...

He saw at least one dozen police officers, five SWAT members and one dog... word is a gun and some narcotics were recovered by police... the search was called off by police a little after midnight, he says....
This was also the cause of the helicopter that everybody seemed to hear tonight...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: East Village burglar has hit nine apartments in last month
Last week a burglar came in through a 2nd floor window in our building on e 6th betw B & C. My neighbor screamed when she saw him, and he ran off. Some construction is being done on the ground floor, and the fire scape ladder had been extended down the ground - that's how I think he got up.
And now it's the season of open windows....careful, people.
Absolutely, Goggla...
Yeah, heard the 'copter last night. Too bad they couldn't nab this guy. Hopefully soon. Thanks for the reporting, EVG.
Just a word of elder-hippie advice to all the newbie NYU and other students in the EV: Fire escapes are not balconies! Do not leave your windows open for easy access. Buy gates. Have them installed. Keep them closed. This is New York, not Mayberry...
Dont worry those helicopters are armed with Predator Missiles to take out those varmints
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