Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Diablo Royale Este opens today: features two bars, one screening room and spit-roast pigs in the backyard

Well, I've been following the transformation at 167 Avenue A between 10th Street and 11th Street since last summer...

And, per the sign out front, the joint opens today...

Two outdoor space...a screening room... Holy 311!
Per the Times today:

DIABLO ROYALE ESTE: At this East Village branch of his Diablo Royale, Jason Hennings will spit-roast pigs, chickens and beef in the backyard. There is an array of tacos, fajitas, enchiladas and such.

Previously on EV Grieve:
My, what big plywood you have

Diablo Royale shows itself to Avenue A

Looking at 167 Avenue A: Another Hennings-Giraldi production?


  1. ...isn't this the one David McWater said his friend owned & said that if CB3 didn't approve this, they wouldn't approve anyone ? He's got to go.

  2. His friend owns the fish place that's opening two doors up the Avenue.... and he said the approval line about DOB on St. Mark's Place....

  3. Actually i am sure i saw you take this photo last night about 8;30PM, with a flash. I knew I should have crossed the street for a closer look ;)

  4. I cannot confirm nor deny this report!

  5. Went by at midnight. The place was a zoo. No bouncer. Just a lot of people and noise. So much for good neighbors.

  6. Holy Crabcakes Batman I think Im on the Upper West side !
    Hold my red shoes while I look for the rabbit/rat hole to escape my neighborhood.......

  7. Hello its Ave A not Madison Ave, sounds like alot of these commenters are rent stabilized shut ins that have no social life. I was there last night and it was a great time!

  8. Peter, first of all, I said Upper West. Madison is the other side of CP. Second, I am not rent stabilized or a shut in. Although places like this jersey joint prevent me from going out on the more douche-y nights-Thurs-Sat.. Having endured this type of establishment /crowd for the first 20 years of my life I moved here to escape them.
    Your comment only reinforces my gut reaction.

  9. Went there this weekend with some friends after telling them about the Bordello Bar with DJ Strip but when we got there he was'nt there? Whats the deal? Thought he was gonna be there on weekends we stayed for a drink and left.


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